Breaking News... Occupy Wall St. demonstration against the corporate Elite, but very little if no media coverage?? Sept. 17, 2011. Marchers leave Zucotti Park to attempt to enter blocked off Wall St. At 55 Wall St. they find the wealthy at play and a faceoff begins....The Global Monetary Economic System - is collapsing. We must act NOW to install "A Recourse Based Economy"...DON’T BE FOOLED BY –“Manufactured Consensus”, from our government’s and corporate and financial institution’s, telling you that everything will be alright....Read More to Find Out...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The OCCUPY on wall street against the corporate Elite.

Tens of Thousands March on wall street against the corporate Elite, over 100 Brutally - Violently & unlawful arrests, but very little if no media coverage World Wide??

Look at the police herding us up like cattle, while our masters Elite laugh and smirk. When will we WAKE UP??? I Think now is a good a time as any…

Uploaded by NukesNo on 27 Sep 2011 (MIRRORED)
September 26, 2011 MSNBC

OMG MSNBC reporter is going OFF! A Rant Like You've Never Heard Before! 100 Million Thumbs UP!!! Lets support this guy (who will probably lose his job or end up "committing suicide" mysteriously in the next 5 years..sigh) He's standing up for what's Right! (And standing Against all thats Wrong!) LET'S SUPPORT HIM! SPREAD SPREAD SPREAD!!

To Watch The Wall Street Protesters- Live Streaming Video and Chat Go To:
I claim no credit for any images and/or videos posted unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyright to its respectful owners.

Protestor who worker for Sun Trust Bank speaks out about whistle blowing, she went to the Securities and Exchange Commission about major accounting irregularity's, she received threats, thefts, her telephone and email where hacked. this spanned several years. This is why we don't hear from bank whistle blowers!

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